West 57st Neighborhood Association

Protecting Quality of Life in our Neighborhood



The association is dedicated to protecting and maintaining the quality of life for people living in its geographic area and contributing to the quality of life for residents of the borough of Manhattan overall.


West 57th street from 8th thru 11th avenues is a major traffic thoroughfare. It includes shops, restaurants, sidewalk-vendors, commercial & residential buildings. Trash, loitering & public use of alcohol and weed keep our area from being a pleasant place to live, shop & dine. The area on 10th avenue between W 56 & W 58th streets is especially vulnerable to the trash and idle people situation.

Incessant noise

West 57th street is a major truck, auto, fire engine, bus and ambulance route. The addition of delivery mopeds, e-bikes and bike-taxis have added to the noise level day & night.

Pedestrian safety risk

Has increased since 2022 due to the large number of bike and moped riders ignoring traffic laws and riding on our sidewalks

Fire hazard risk

From the dozens of Lithium battery operated bikes chained to the scaffolding in front of the Watson Hotel.



Trash, dog waste, loitering and public consumption of alcohol & weed prevent our neighborhood from being an attractive place to live, shop & dine.

Suspected illegal activity

Related to the black market “renting” of e-tablets to the delivery drivers in front of the Watson Hotel. This brings individuals to our block every day in unregistered vehicles and uninspected automobiles with expired paper license plates. People also eat, sleep over night in these illegally parked vehicles, and use the open street as a bathroom facility

Traffic hazards

Where ingress and egress of the parking garage on the south side of the block is severely impeded by these mopeds and bikes, placing citizens at risk. The bike rack contains about 100 vehicles at any given time with dozens of tethered e-bikes and is situated in metered spaces and a No Standing Anytime zone. Clear violations of New York City’s Traffic Rules and Regulations and New York State Vehicle and Traffic law occur daily


We the residents of this neighborhood will continue to work for the beautification of our street, so we have a pleasant place to live. We will continue to take action to keep our streets clean and ourselves, friends and families safe and free from litter, accidents and potential illegal activity. We ask all building managers, shop & restaurant operators to own their front sidewalks and keep them clean and safe.

  • LOSING parking spaces in the street while allowing illegal parking of unregistered vehicles.

  • LOSING clean streets.

  • LOSING associated revenue from meters & parking tickets.

  • LOSING the quiet enjoyment of our streets with constant and stressful noise from moped alarms.

  • LOSING city sales tax captured on real estate and every-day business sales.


  • Removal of the illegally placed bike corral in front of the Watson Hotel.
  • Growth in membership up 225% since January of 2024.
  • Met with City agencies & politicians to advance initiatives.
  • Spoke at Community Board 4 meeting on our issues.
  • Met and toured area with City Councilperson Gail Brewer.
  • Met with Community Board 4 district manager, Jesse Bodine.


Michael Gibralter President
Ted Federici VP Neighbor Contact
Deborah Hughes VP Neighbor Contact
George Fox Secretary & Treasurer

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